Anyway, I'll upload some images here of what I'm making on Zbrush, I got it last week, and it's quite fun! I also have some ideas to make 2.5D 'paintings' with it and 3D sculpts to export, maybe I can learn to animate them (some very simple designs, of course). I also downloaded Apophysis and a free trial of Ultra Fractal, the latter isn't that great honestly, but Apophysis is so much fun to use! I STILL didn't figure out how to render flames and edit them anywhere else, though u_u;
The first two are a first try at using Zspheres, and sculpting with Zspheres, so I didn't know what I was doing, really. The third one is a more worked out 'basic armature' for a character. I didn't sculpt much on it yet..
A 'normal' sculpt in Zbrush. When I can get the eyes looking a bit okay, I'll include a screenshot of them too..
For the swarm!